Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nature seems as uncaring as it is unyielding.
The conclusion is in the mind of the beholder, and it is outside of the realm of scientific theory and prediction.
But no such unambiguous signs have been uncovered among the millions and millions of pieces of data we have gleaned about the natural world over centuries of exploration. And this is precisely why a scientist can conclude that it is very unlikely that there is any divine purpose. If a creator had such a purpose, she could choose to demonstrate it a little more clearly to the inhabitants of her creation.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Origin of Dreams is not What Sigmund Freud have theorized

The dreams are  because  our brains have started to awake and partially functioning or awke while our body is still resting and sleeping.

It is not about suppressed desires as Sigmund Freud has indicated but rather what part of the brain is has been excited some time before the sleep.
It is usualy the part and vicinity that contains the memories and events connected to this part of brain.

The Pharoh was observing and looking at cows and wheat before going to bed and then having these fbiblical dreams as presented in the holy books. There were no suppressed desires.
The Pharoh brain was half awake when he had these dreams.

When the brain is half awake it can't completely think rationally and logically.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Methods to Quit Smoking Cigarette

1- why? reason yourself
2- Smoke later , Postpone, half hour later, postpone again.
3- Cry and resist
4- Chalenge your inner voice and say "No".

Monday, February 18, 2013

Life is Fake

So much worry, struggle and pain and you exit. During this time you try to make delusional happiness.